(L-R) Purrshottam Bhaggeria – Jt. MD Filatex, DP Singh – SARA Group Chairman, Satnam Arora – Jt. MD Kohinoor Foods, Member of Parliament, Rao Inderjit Singh, Gurnam Arora – Jt. MD Kohinoor Foods, and Pradeep Jain – Silverglades Chairman

(L-R) Harry Banga – Chairman, Caravel and Dr. Bipin Puri (Apollo Hospitals) present the Division A Runner-Up award to Jaideep Prasad

(L-R) Sanjay Sachdeva, Abha Jain, and Satnam Arora

Sumit Kapur (left) receiving the Longest Drive award from Abha Singh (centre) and Abha Jain (right)

Sunil Bhasin (left) receiving the Winner award from Arjun Munda (centre) – BJP Leader, and Rao Inderjit Singh (right) – Member, Lok Sabha

Golfers pose with pro Hitaashee Bakshi

Rao Inderjit Singh (right) honouring Harry Banga (left) – Chairman, Caravel with a memento

Satnam Arora and Hitaashee Bakshi presenting the bouquet to Justice Arun Monga

Player Anit Mehrotra with the Mercedes Benz GLE EWB, in the spotlight
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