India’s golf industry contributed Rs 2202.5 crore in economic value in 2015. This figure along with many

Anit Mehrotra, Director – Golf Industry Association & CEO, Silverglades Golf Development Company unveils the GIA golf
industry research report with Namit Goel, Director – KEN Research
interesting findings were tabled for the first time during the 6th India Golf Expo in Gurgaon following relentless efforts put in by India’s Golf Industry Association (GIA) in partnership with Ken Research.
Golf based real estate (premiumisation value) has contributed the highest aggregate value of Rs 957.4 crore (USD 143.4 million) to the golf economy with an average golf premiumisation factor of 25%.
Following this, golf facility operations which comprises of revenues from golf courses has contributed an aggregate value of Rs 693.3 crore (USD 103.8 million) during 2015.