India Golf Weekly Editor – Rishi Narain
Golf has always been heralded as unique among sports and one distinctive aspect of the game is that it calls players to be their own referees. So whenever we come across incidents anywhere in the world when competitors help each other with the rules or call penalties on themselves, when no one else is looking, we love to point those out. Read our story this week about what happened during a major amateur tournament in the United States – it’s a great testament to the values taught by golf at the highest level.
Improving course construction, modification and maintenance practices across India are helping players enjoy courses in better conditions than ever before. Many courses across the country have been in good shape despite the heavy monsoon rains. For example Delhi Golf Club, for perhaps the first time in its history went through the heaviest monsoon in 46 years without temporary greens – that itself is a super achievement. A result of the extensive renovation of its green complexes two years ago. Similar encouraging reports have come in from Kolkata and other places. Better knowledge, machinery and techniques are bringing Indian courses up to world class levels.
October to April is the main tournament season throughout India and we are pleased to observe that clubs are busier than ever. We at India Golf Weekly will be happy to cover tournament news from not only the professional and national amateur tours but also from club level golf across India. Please drop me a mail and share news from your club.
Good winter weather is now around the corner so it’s time to head to the range and get your game into top shape !
Happy Golfing
Rishi Narain