Mumbai United Team winners of the 2019 MGL, celebrate
The Mumbai Golf League will be played at the Bombay Presidency Golf Club later this month. The league is a 10-team tournament that is open only to club members.
The Mumbai Golf League at the Bombay Presidency Golf Club will be telecast live from the 6th, 13th, and 18th greens over OTT streaming on SportVot. Times Now will also put together a 30-min capsule and broadcast it nationally three to four times over 10 days following the tournament.
Each of the 10 teams of BPGC members will have 25 players divided into four handicap categories – 0-11, 12-18, 19-24 and over 70 years, for a total of 250 players. Each member will play in his own category, thereby competing with like-handicapped players and avoiding the need to give too many shots.
The tournament was conceptualised to give club members the opportunity to look beyond their regular fourball and play with new people. It also gives higher handicappers the chance to play alongside lower handicappers.
The 250 players will go into an auction, like in the IPL, and the teams will bid for each player. Each team has a total purse of Rs 3 lakh and the minimum bid for a player is Rs 7,000. Each team must buy five players from the 0-11 category, nine players from the 12-18 category, nine players from the 19-24 category, and two players above 70.
The total prize money on offer is Rs 60 lakh. The winning team will get Rs 10 lakh while the last placed team will get Rs 5.5 lakh.
The format for the event is as follows:
The 0-11 category players will play singles, foursomes and fourballs, with a total of 6 six points to be earned at two points per match.
The 12-18 and 19-24 handicap categories will also play singles, foursomes and fourballs. Seven players will be in action from each group, with eight points up for grabs. The two players in each group who sit out on day one have to play on day two, ensuring all players get to play.
The above-70 category will only play fourballs.
All 10 teams will play two rounds, with the top four teams advancing to the final.
The first two rounds are on Jan 14th, 15th, 16th, and Final on 22nd and 23rd January, 2022.