MercedesTrophy National Finals


From L-R – (Lance Bennett, VP, Sales & Marketing, MBIL), Arjun Nohwar (Winner – Category A) & Leander Paes

The 22nd annual edition of the Mercedes Trophy, the largest amateur golf series in the country involving around 2500 amateur golfers in 23 regional rounds across India, held its National Final at Oxford Golf Resort in Pune to select three winners to go to the MercedesTrophy World Finals in Stuttgart in Germany, against competitors from 50 countries across the globe.

From L-R – National Final Winners – Ranjeet Kakkad, Arjun Nohwar & Ravi Shah


68 finalists and around 50 spouses were in Pune for this grand event which included a gala welcome dinner at the Ritz-Carlton Pune, a visit to the Mercedes plant where a visit to the shop floor, a presentation at the state of the art Visitor Centre and a mind blowing driving experience as well as Electric vehicle test drives provided never to be forgotten memories. The golf at Oxford was spectacular as ever and conditions were that play would be without caddies, standard practice at the National Final, since the World Final in Germany is played without caddies also. 



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Tennis superstar Leander Paes and former Olympic swimmer turned 1 handicap golfer Rehan Poncha added glamour to the occasion.

Former Olympic swimmer Rehan Poncha receives a memento

Last years’ World Final winners Amit Bhati and Nitin Gupta from Delhi enjoyed a game with the two sports stars, providing them priceless thrills and memories.

The special prize on offer, as always was the Straightest Drive contest or “Drive to Major’ for which the winner gets an all expense paid trip to the Open championship in Britain this July with Mercedes Benz hospitality, since the brand has been an official partner of the Open championship for many years. Another money can’t buy experience for the winner of this contest.

A highlight of the event was the hole in one on the 150 yard 8th hole for Arjun Nohwar from Mumbai, who also scored three birdies in his round, which fittingly took him to the top of the leaderboard.

Results –
On Course Contest –

Prize CategoryNameScore
Drive to MajorAmarnath Reddy (Chennai)2.8ft
Longest DriveDevang Shah (Ahmedabad)253 yard
Hole in OneArjun Nohwar (Mumbai)8th hole

From L-R – Pradeep Srinivas (GM, Marketing , MBIL), Leander Paes & Amarnath Reddy (Drive to Major Winner)

Pradeep Srinivas (GM, Marketing , MBIL) with Devang Shah (Winner – Mission Longest Drive)

Ladies –
WinnerMukta Malhotra(Delhi)2037
Runner-UpMrinalini Kaur ( Ahmedabad)1634

From L-R -Vikas Kumaria (GM, Network Development, MBIL), Mukta Malhotra (Winner – Ladies Section) & Leander Paes

Winners – National Final –

AArjun Nohwar (Mumbai)736
BRavi Shah (Ahmedabad)1741
CRanjeet Kakkad ( Aurangabad)2138

Ravi Shah (Winner- Category B)

Ranjeet Kakkad (Winner -Category C)

Runners-Up – National Final –

Vidhit Tulshan (Delhi)836
BDinakar Sangaram ( Bangalore)1840
CSumeet Verma ( Delhi)2137


Dinakar Sangaram (Runner-Up Category B)

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