Vani Kapoor finishes 20th in South Africa

Vani Kapoor

Vani Kapoor

Vani Kapoor, a 29-time winner on the Hero WPGT, shot 74-75-74 (7-over 223) to finish tied-20th at the Rand 1mn Jabra Ladies Classic on the Sunshine Ladies Tour at Glendower GC in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Siddhi Kapoor, the other Indian, missed the 36-hole cut, which was set at 7-over 151.

Vani Kapoor results in South Africa this season – 

Dimension Data Ladies Challenge – T-11 

SuperSport Ladies Challenge – T-17 

Vani after a reasonable start to her foreign campaign will now return to India as the Sunshine Tour will take a month’s break before returning for the R 4.2mn Joburg Ladies Open from March 24-26. 


Photo – LET Flickr

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